This week's challenge idea comes from Bekah. A while back she shared with me a whole list of ideas and I thought, with all the spring rain we've been getting, this would be a good week for a Spring Challenge! Bekah mentioned that she and her mother used to go for walks in the springtime and try and find 21 different signs of spring.
The Challenge: 21 Signs of Spring
1.) Take exactly 21 pictures this week exploring the theme.
2.) Submit your top 5 favorite images.
3.) Colour only.
4.) No tweaking.
5.) If you feel like sharing all 21 images feel free to do so, but please mark which are your top 5 favorites (Note: you do NOT have to post all 21 images if you don't feel like it.)
I'll be up north this weekend with my brothers so don't worry if the roundup isn't posted till Sunday or Monday. I've been very busy, but I haven't forgotten about all our wonderful artists!
Have a great week everyone!