The Purpose, the Journey, and the Fun along the way

Here we are, two moms who love our cameras and miss our college art classes and colleagues. With a family it can be difficult to find time for the creative process. Emily and I are using this blog as a way to have fun, work on our photography, keep each other accountable, and be creative!

Each Monday one of us will post a challenge for us both to complete and post a response to by Friday that week. Over the weekend, if time permits each of us will also critique the other's work.

We hope to use this blog as a way to grow together as photographers as we continue to grow as mothers.

If you happen to stumble upon our blog, and want to join in, feel free! Just post your response, with a link to your photos in the MckLinky link for that week. Challenges stay open for three weeks after they are posted.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Photo Challenge #14

This week's challenge idea comes from Bekah.  A while back she shared with me a whole list of ideas and I thought, with all the spring rain we've been getting, this would be a good  week for a Spring Challenge!   Bekah mentioned that she and her mother used to go for walks in the springtime and try and find 21 different signs of spring.

The Challenge: 21 Signs of Spring

1.) Take exactly 21 pictures this week exploring the theme.
2.) Submit your top 5 favorite images.
3.) Colour only.
4.) No tweaking.
5.) If you feel like sharing all 21 images feel free to do so, but please mark which are your top 5 favorites (Note: you do NOT have to post all 21 images if you don't feel like it.)

I'll be up north this weekend with my brothers so don't worry if the roundup isn't posted till Sunday or Monday.  I've been very busy, but I haven't forgotten about all our wonderful artists! 
Have a great week everyone!


PHoto Challenge #13 Roundup

Welcome to the end of the weekend everyone!  Sorry this has taken so long to get up, I've been very busy.  I'd like to welcome Katie B. as our newest contributor!  Thanks for joining us Katie!

Here are the submission links:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Photo Challenge #13

Happy Monday folks!  Welcome back to the challenge.  I hope and pray that you all had a blessed Easter.
This past weekend I shot a wedding with my good friend (and very talented photographer) Jessica.  Since the wedding was over an hour away we had time to talk over challenge ideas and this week's challenge comes courtesy of Jessica.

The Challenge:
Photograph something through the eyes of a cat.

1. You can submit as many pictures as you'd like, no limit.
2. Try to explore an idea, a thought, a sequence of events.
3. No tweaking please.
4. B/W or Colour are welcome

Take the challenge as an opportunity to recognize that your legs don't have to always be used as tripods...  If you're having trouble, just spend a little time watching a cat, it should help give you some ideas!

Have fun!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Photo Challenge #12 Roundup

Here are the entries for this week:


Erin Jo




Jessi(Lovelladro) Welcome Back!! hope you're enjoying your new place!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Photo Challenge #12

This challenge is from Katie:
Since it is Holy week, and many of us are out of town and busy with the Easter Holiday, Katie thought it would be nice to have this due the Friday after Easter (April 17th)
Take the opportunity of having friends and family gatherings to take candid photographs (pictures/portraits of people in a natural state- not looking directly at camera)
Enter 3-5 of your favorite candids, color or black and white, no tweaking. There may be as many people in each photo as you'd like.
Remember, this is due 2 weeks from now, April 17th.

Have a Blessed Easter, Everyone!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Photo Challenge #11 Roundup

Hey Gang, so sorry for the delay.  Here's the round up for this week.  What a fun bunch of photos everyone!

Bekah  A. B. C.