The Purpose, the Journey, and the Fun along the way

Here we are, two moms who love our cameras and miss our college art classes and colleagues. With a family it can be difficult to find time for the creative process. Emily and I are using this blog as a way to have fun, work on our photography, keep each other accountable, and be creative!

Each Monday one of us will post a challenge for us both to complete and post a response to by Friday that week. Over the weekend, if time permits each of us will also critique the other's work.

We hope to use this blog as a way to grow together as photographers as we continue to grow as mothers.

If you happen to stumble upon our blog, and want to join in, feel free! Just post your response, with a link to your photos in the MckLinky link for that week. Challenges stay open for three weeks after they are posted.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Challenge #28

Wow! We keep adding new photographers every week! This week I'd like to offer a hearty welcome to Tomo. We're so glad you decided to join in the fun.

Since most of our challenges involve more than one photo I thought I'd switch it up a little this week and have a challenge where we post only ONE image.

This week's theme:

BIG and small

1.) One photo and one photo only.
2.) B/W or Colour is fine.
3.) No tweaking please.
4.) Photo submissions due by Sat. Aug 15 (MckLinky will stay open till Aug. 18th for any late posters.)

Have a great week!


  1. I was late!

    Here it is

  2. I missed my chance to post this, but I did do one this week.
