Before I get to our Monday challenge I'd like to address a little housekeeping issue, something I hadn't thought of before doing this blog. It concerns posting links for the challenge. At the end of every week either Em or I put together the round up. There are a few things you guys could do for us that would make it easier (usually it takes me a good 20 min.) So here are some guidelines.
When you are interested in submitting photos for the current week's challenge please:
1.) Post a link to your entry (blog or gallery) in the comment section of that week's challenge.
a.) if you have a gallery, the address to that specific gallery where your photos are works out just fine (which you all have been doing correctly so far.)
b.) if you have a blog please make sure that the address you are posting is address for your entry, as opposed to the just your blog address.
If you're not sure how to do that it's easy. Just click on the name of your post (in most cases for me it's something like "Photography Challenge #3"), you'll then be taken to a window containing just that post. Just copy the web address and past it in the comment section of the current week's challenge.
Okay! I hope that helps everyone...if you have any questions feel free to leave them here on on the FB page.
This week's challenge is brought to us by the lovely Erin Jo. She is our Guest Challenge Submitter...if that can be called an official title!
The theme is "Anatomy and the Human Form".
1.) Please submit between 1-5 photos exploring this theme
2.) The photos can be Colour or B/W
3.) Tweeking is allowed
Thanks for the challenge this week Erin!
Okay guys! Have fun shooting!